10 Classic W. H. Auden Poems Everyone Should Read (2024)

By Dr Oliver Tearle (Loughborough University)

W.H. Auden (1907-1973) wrote a great deal of poetry, with many of the best Auden poems being written in the 1930s. In this post, we’ve taken on the difficult task of finding the ten greatest Auden poems – difficult because, although certain poems naturally rise to the surface and proclaim their greatness, there are quite a few of those.

Here’s our top ten. Are there any classic poems by Auden that we’ve left off the list? Follow the title of each poem to read it.

1. ‘Stop all the clocks’.

Also known as ‘Funeral Blues’, this poem, one of Auden’s ‘Twelve Songs’ originally published in 1936, needs no introduction, perhaps. Since it was recited in the funeral in the 1994 film Four Weddings and a Funeral, it achieved worldwide fame and brought Auden’s poetry to a whole new audience.

The poem offers a number of symbols of mourning. But mentioning these poetic tropes has a dual purpose: as well as rejecting the usefulness of such romantic talk in the face of his grief, the speaker is also saying that the world – indeed, the entire universe – is of no worth if it does not have his lover in it.

The word ‘dismantle’ verges on the flippant in the second line of the final stanza, as if the sun is a mechanical device that one can simply take apart, like a watch. It suggests that even the natural world seems fake and unreal now that the joys of the world have been taken from him.

But who is ‘he’ here? And did the poem start out as a sincere expression of mourning? As we discuss in our analysis of this classic funeral poem, the story of the poem’s origins reveals a slightly more complex picture.

2. ‘Autumn Song’.

Another one of the ‘Twelve Songs’ along with the more famous ‘Stop all the clocks’, this is a fine lyric about the brevity of youth and life’s disappointments. Auden wrote two different versions of the final stanza, although the tone of the poem remains largely the same in both.

The poem helps to show how, as well as engaging with the specific events and political climate of the 1930s, Auden also captured a timeless sense of disappointment and sadness in much of his finest work.

3. ‘Lullaby’.

One of Auden’s most tender poems, ‘Lullaby’ is perhaps the greatest gay love poem of the whole twentieth century (although as it is directly addressed to the recipient one can easily read the poem and forget that it is a male poet writing to another man); it is rightly among Auden’s best-loved poems.

In many ways hopelessly romantic, in other ways relentlessly realist (the addressee of the poem is only ‘human’; Auden himself is ‘faithless’), it is the sort of poem that many Auden devotees have committed to memory.

4. ‘Night Mail’.

Thanks to the classic film which featured it – and for which it was specially written – ‘Night Mail’ remains one of Auden’s best-known poems.

The film in which it features, a 1936 documentary produced by theGeneral Post Office (GPO) film unit about the night train carrying mail from London to Scotland, remains a classic of British documentary filmmaking, thanks to Auden’s verse narration and Benjamin Britten’s musical score. You can watch the excerpt from the film featuring Auden’s poem here.

5. ‘Musée de Beaux Arts’.

This poem from late 1938 has the memorable opening statement, ‘About suffering they were never wrong, / The Old Masters’. Auden wrote ‘Musée des Beaux Arts’ in December 1938, while he was staying in Brussels with his friend Christopher Isherwood. The museum and art gallery mentioned in the poem’s title, ‘Musée des Beaux Arts’, is the Brussels art gallery, Musées Royaux des Beaux-Arts de Belgique, which Auden visited.

In the poem, Auden muses upon how, in many old Renaissance paintings, while something grand and momentous is taking place – the Nativity, say, or the Crucifixion – there are always people present in the painting who aren’t much bothered about what’s going on.

Auden then poignantly considers a painting (thought to be) by Peter Brueghel the Elder, of Icarus, and the presence of a ship whose occupants seem unconcerned by ‘a boy falling out of the sky’.

6. ‘In Memory of W. B. Yeats’.

Auden wrote a number of poems about his fellow poets, from A. E. Housman to Edward Lear, but this powerful elegy written in the wake of Yeats’s death in 1939 is his finest commemoration of another poet.

As well as being an elegy for the dead poet, ‘In Memory of W. B. Yeats’ is also a meditation on the role and place of poetry in the modern world. What is poetry for? Can it make anything happen?Shouldit make anything happen?

Auden describes Yeats’s death, concluding that, with his passing, Yeats ‘became his admirers’: once Yeats the man had ceased to be, Yeats the poet became whatever his readers and fans decided he was.

Here, we can sense Auden making a broader point about the ‘immortality’ of poets: they survive or don’t survive depending on who reads them, and howthose readers read them.

The closing lines of Auden’s poem are inscribed on his own memorial stone in Westminster Abbey: ‘In the prison of his days / Teach the free man how to praise.’

We have analysed this classic poem here.

7. ‘September 1st, 1939’.

Auden later disowned this poem, written shortly after the outbreak of the Second World War (though uncannily anticipating events in another dark September, in 2001), arguing that the rhetoric won out over truth (‘We must love one another or die’ should, he reasoned, strictly be ‘We must love one another and die’).

As a result, you won’t find it in the Faber Collected Poems (the only poem among this selection of best Auden poems that isn’t in that book). But you can read it by following the link in the title above.

As the poem’s title indicates,‘September 1, 1939’ was written in early September 1939 – and although Auden didn’t actually write it in a New York bar, he was living in New York at this time (having moved there from England only months earlier). September 1, 1939 was the day on which Nazi Germany invaded Poland, causing the outbreak of the Second World War.

We have analysed this poem here.

8. ‘If I Could Tell You’.

There aren’t many great villanelles in the English language (we have collected together some of our favourite examples here), but Auden’s ‘If I Could Tell You’ is up there with William Empson’s ‘Missing Dates’ and with probably the most famous villanelle in English, Dylan Thomas’s ‘Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night’.

Written in 1940 during the Second World War, the poem conveys Auden’s, and much of the world’s, sense of uncertainty concerning the future. ‘If I Could Tell You’ teeters on being a love poem: the speaker tells the addressee ‘I love you more than I can say’. That much, it seems, is certain at least. The two refrains of the villanelle appear to alternate between certainty (‘Timewill…’) and uncertainty (‘IfI…’).

But what is so masterly about Auden’s use of these two refrains is how both actually pull in opposite directions, poised somewhere between knowability and conjecture: ‘IfI could tell you’ is the first half of the line, but the second, ‘Iwouldlet you know’, promises the surety of personal guarantee in an uncertain time.

We have analysed this poem here.

9. ‘The More Loving One’.

In this 1957 poem, Auden meditates on unrequited love. ‘If equal affection cannot be,’ he confides, ‘Let the more loving one be me.’ Cleverly and beautifully, Auden dismantles the argument that, in a case of unrequited love, it is better to be the loved rather than the lover. How should we like it if the stars burned with ‘a passion for us we could not return’?

We might summarise the thrust of this poem as follows: as an individual, we can respond by believing that the universe has a purpose for us; or we can respond by saying it doesn’t, and ask what the hell’s the point of anything. Or we can meet the universe’s indifference to us head-on and take pride in the fact that we, products of nature, have been instilled with the ability to care, to feel awe in the face of nature’s sublime aspects, and to love.

We have analysed this poem here.

10. ‘The Fall of Rome’.

Written in 1947, ‘The Fall of Rome’ is one of W. H. Auden’s finest poems of his middle period. As its title indicates, it is about the fall of the Roman empire.

But many of the details in Auden’s poem are clearly anachronistic for a poem about the Roman empire in the fifth century BCE, such as the idea of a clerk writing on a ‘pink official form’ (rather than scratching things onto a tablet, which is what a Roman official would have done). So the poem is, if not quite anallegoryfor another empire and another time, a poem about both the fall of Romeandthe fall of other great civilisations.

It is worth remembering that Auden was writing this poem about the fall of an empire in the immediate wake of a world war: 1947 was just two years after the end of the Second World War, of course, but it was also the year that India gained its independence from the British Empire, and the year that, in the wake of the end of the war, the breakup of Britain’s imperial possessions seemed to be inevitable (as, indeed, the next few decades showed).

Auden’s anachronisms reinforce the notion that history repeats itself, and that mighty empires always have their time in the sun but are inevitably doomed to die.

We have analysed this great Auden poem here.

The author of this article, Dr Oliver Tearle, is a literary critic and lecturer in English at Loughborough University. He is the author of, among others, The Secret Library: A Book-Lovers’ Journey Through Curiosities of History10 Classic W. H. Auden Poems Everyone Should Read (1) and The Great War, The Waste Land and the Modernist Long Poem.


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10 Classic W. H. Auden Poems Everyone Should Read (2024)


What is the famous poem of WH Auden? ›

Some of his best known poems are about love, such as "Funeral Blues"; on political and social themes, such as "September 1, 1939" and "The Shield of Achilles"; on cultural and psychological themes, such as The Age of Anxiety; and on religious themes, such as "For the Time Being" and "Horae Canonicae".

What are the words to stop all the clocks by Auden? ›

Stop all the clocks, cut off the telephone, 2. Prevent the dog from barking with a juicy bone, 3. Silence the pianos and with muffled drum 4. Bring out the coffin, let the mourners come.

What are the main themes in Auden's poetry? ›

Themes such as love, death, and wars are present in many of W. H. Auden's poems.

Who did Auden love? ›

Just before World War II broke out, Auden emigrated to the United States where he met the poet Chester Kallman, who became his lifelong lover. Auden won the Pulitzer Prize in 1948 for The Age of Anxiety.

Which poem is the oldest known poem? ›

The Epic of Gilgamesh is the oldest long poem in history. An ancient Babylonian poem about a mighty hero who tried to become immortal, its universal themes of love, life and death resonate as clearly today as in antiquity.

Who made the most famous poem? ›

“Sonnet 18” by William Shakespeare

Not only is it one of the most famous poems ever written, but it's also one of his most beautiful and iconic love poems. Want to express deep affection? Forget those funny roses-are-red poems and start with one of the English language's literary giants.

What is the poem read in Four Weddings and a Funeral? ›

The poem is read in its entirety in the 1994 British romantic comedy film Four Weddings and a Funeral. The poem is read by Matthew, a character portrayed by John Hannah, at the funeral of his partner Gareth. After the film's release, Auden's work saw increased attention, particularly "Funeral Blues".

What does Stop all the clocks symbolize? ›

It's a poem about the immensity of grief: the speaker has lost someone important, but the rest of the world doesn't slow down or stop to pay its respects—it just keeps plugging along on as if nothing has changed. The speaker experiences this indifference as a kind of rude torment, and demands that the world grieve too.

How to read Auden? ›

As we indicated earlier, critics have suggested that Auden's poem should be read in contexts including the Spanish Civil War and the rise of Hitler in the 1930s. Examine details: get stuck on words, images, rhetorical figures, formal features such as rhyme and rhythm.

Was W.H. Auden a war poet? ›

W. H. Auden's war poetry is most notable for the war he did not cover. By leaving Britain for New York on the eve of World War II, he was judged to have treacherously left the 'island fortress' in its hour of need.

What is the writing style of Auden? ›

Ever since, Auden has been admired for his unsurpassed technical virtuosity and an ability to write poems in nearly every imaginable verse form; the incorporation in his work of popular culture, current events, and vernacular speech; and also for the vast range of his intellect, which drew easily from an extraordinary ...

Was Auden religious? ›

When he recovered his Christian faith as an adult about 1940 this suffused all his later poetry. But it has been virtually ignored by critics. This lecture will explore the subtle ways in which Auden's faith emerges in his poetry and what was distinctive about it.

Who does Auden end up with? ›

At the end of the book, Auden has started university and is at Ray's, a diner she used to regularly visit when she had insomnia, with Eli. They end the novel being a couple again.

Who married Auden? ›

On June 15, 1935, W. H. Auden married Erika Mann, daughter of the German novelist Thomas Mann, in a small ceremony in Ledbury, England. Far from a legendary love affair between two literary celebrities, however, this marriage is a largely forgotten, idiosyncratic tidbit in Auden's biography.

What famous poem was used in Dead poets Society? ›

More familiar works include “To the Virgins” by Robert Herrick, whose “gather ye rosebuds” philosophy is the central concept of the film, “Walden” by Henry David Thoreau (all meetings of the original DPS started “I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately”) and, inevitably, “The Road Not Taken” by Robert ...

What is the main idea of the poem famous? ›

At its most basic level, the poem is about fame. But Nye treats fame as a construct of perspective: the result of imbalances of power, fear, unrequited love, and tragedy. The fame of an object to the subject may not exist in reverse, and the notoriety of both may not exist at all outside of their isolated relationship.

Why did Auden wrote In Memory of WB Yeats? ›

Yeats died early in 1939, the year World War II broke out after years of violence in Europe. Auden regrets his loss at a "dark" hour of human history, but he has no illusions that Yeats was any kind of savior-figure, and he portrays the human experience itself as irrevocably tragic.


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